4 Oct

Flowmap Painter update (0.9.2)


I’ve made some updates to the flowmap painter, with the help of some really great feedback.

Click here to get it, though the version checker ought to notify you if you start up the program.


Changelist from the readme (I’ll write a bit more about the changes when I’ve had some sleep :p):

= 0.9.2 =
* 4 October 2012
* Tweaked pan/zoom behavior
* Added:
  - Spacebar as an alternative to Alt for pan/zoom
  - Zoom level indicator
  - option to flip red/green channels on bake
  - swizzle option (red/green --> red/blue)
  - ability to save/load session **superceded by next point
  - ability to load flowmap texture
  - slider to alter flow preview line length
  - optional wrapping (with tiling preview)
  - defaults.ini to remember your last-used paths between sessions
* Fixed overlay texture rotated 180 degrees
* Fixed custom tiling texture reverting to default when toggling vertex color preview
* Fixed version checker
* Optimised performance somewhat
* Known Issue: Flowmap preview doesn't tile correctly (shader problem?)
* Known Issue: Flow line preview mode is slowww


5 thoughts on “Flowmap Painter update (0.9.2)

  1. Hey Teck,

    Have you considered distributing this as an editor window in the asset store? It would be nice to just use it right inside the Unity editor as opposed to swapping out to another program, for those of us using Unity 😉

    1. Definitely! This is actually a subset and fork of the vertex painter I was working on as an editor extension, so I just need to go back and reimplement the changes and updates I’ve been making (had to use different methods here, since I was using a lot of OnSceneGUI and event.current, which were refactored to use Update instead).

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Teck Lee Tan

Tech Art Manager at Riot Games
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