20 Sep

FlowMap Painter update (v0.9.1)

[update: version 0.9.2 has been released] I’ve done a bit of an update to the FlowMap Painter I released a few days ago, and did up a holding page for it, where you can download the latest build (the version checker directs you there). https://teckartist.com/?page_id=107   Download: Windows OSX From the readme: == Changelog == = 0.9.1 […]

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17 Sep

FlowMap Painter

[update: check out version 0.9.1] I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit, but I figured this FlowMapPainter might be a good excuse to post something up again. It’s been pointed out that the overlay feature doesn’t work. Bit of a bug there that’ll be fixed in an imminent update. This is actually a bit of a […]

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7 Dec

Ignore file for Git and Unity

Category:Git, Scripting, Unity

After the initial bewilderment of starting up git for my personal projects (I’d previously used Subversion and Perforce), I’m finding it quite nice. For those of you thinking of going Git with Unity, here’s a working ignore file. It basically covers the files listed in Unity’s source control documentation, plus the Temp directory. Anything else in […]

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6 Dec

Debug.Log(“Hello World!”)


So I haven’t done any blogging in positively ages, but I figure now that I’ve got this great domain name, I could stand to post up some tech art-related things here. Bit more permanent than throwing everything up on Google+, at any rate. Actual content incoming…

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Teck Lee Tan

Tech Art Manager at Riot Games
Tech Art Portfolio

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